Friday, May 23, 2014

Who is Twitch?

My real name isn't important, not many people get it right anyway, so for now just call me "Twitch".

I am:

  • A girl
  • Age: 18
  • Height: Short

And I am set to graduate High School on June 20th of this year.

My name is Twitch...
My name is Twitch...
My name is, Twitch.

Three is an okay number I prefer five but three does the job most of the time.

My name is Twitch.
My name is Twitch.

Five.  I prefer five, almost everything I do is in increments of five...

The volume of the television must go up by fives.
Not loud enough.
Still not loud enough.
Too loud.
This is fine.
If a word is spelled wrong on paper it must be rewritten five times.
When I walk through the hallway to my English I pass doors 111-107, 107 being my classroom.
I whisper...
I'm at the room I need to go into, I pause.
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... 0
I can enter now.

My name is Twitch and I have OCD.

OCD, otherwise known as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.  Is a disorder characterized by ritualistic behaviors and uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts.  These obsessions seem irrational to people who do not have OCD, but for people like me... they mean everything.  In the winter my hands are usually cracked so badly that they bleed... they would be the same way in the summer if it were not for the fact that I can get away with washing my hands in mostly scalding water and not have to worry about the cold causing these cracks.  In the halls of my school I can often be seen tapping every other locker as I pass, or if there are no lockers around I will be seen tapping the bricks or corners of walls.

My name is Twitch and I am afraid.

I dread the unknown...

I dread mostly everything.

My name is Twitch and I have Severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Everyday I wake up and a sense of dread settles over me.  I can not take a bus, unless I am coming home.  I feel as if everything horrible in the world that could happen will happen.  I have had many anxiety attacks and a handful of panic attacks.  GAD is characterized as excessive worrying, so much so that it is debilitating.

My name is Twitch and I suck at social interaction.

I hate when my routine changes suddenly.

I have trained myself to look beyond a person's shoulder to have the appearance of looking into their eyes.

Loud noises,
High pitched noises,
and even soft noises make me want to rip my ears off.

I can not wear those socks that have the string inside of them.

My name is Twitch and I have Asperger's Syndrome.

Asperger's Syndrome is a high functioning form of Autism.  People affected by Asperger's do not have delays in language development and often are quite verbose.  Although they do tend to have motor delays which leads to clumsiness and/or uncoordinated movements. And... of course, people with Asperger's tend to be "socially awkward".

My name is Twitch and I twitch...

My eyes slam shut and refuse to open for short periods of time.
My knuckles must be cracked always.
My wrists must roll.
And so shall my ankles.
My back must arch backwards.
My head must go side to side.
My neck must make a 'crack' noise.
My shoulders must shrug.
My legs must twist inwards rendering me incapable of walking.
My face must twist into a grimace.
My throat must be cleared.
I also need to hum.
Or spew out all the air from my lungs.
Sometimes I must scream.
Or repeat the words of others and myself.

My name is Twitch and I have Severe Complex Tourette Syndrome.

Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder consisting of multiple involuntary movements, both motor and vocal.

Tourette Syndrome is a bitch...
But at least it's always there.
It's my one constant in this big world I call home.

I have always been different...

But being different is awesome.

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